I got a lot of questions about how I started and what gear/software I use, so here’s my post about a few of my favorite things!
My Gear
I shot with Nikon for yeeeeears, but 4 years ago I switched to Fuji mirrorless and never looked back. The colors are chef’s kiss!
Check out this link to an Amazon list of my favorite gear:
I added a bunch of notes about the items and why I chose them, but please feel free to reach out if you have questions!
Through the years, I have tried sooooo many bags and finally found my favorite in Brevite! Below is my bag – The Jumper in Poppy Red. https://brevite.co/discount/erinschmidtphoto?dt_id=16074
@erinschmidtphoto What’s in my @Brevitē bag ❤️#photographer #brevite #weddingphotographer #photographytips #breadwinner
♬ breadwinner – Kacey Musgraves
Software is a big one too!
For client management, I’ve used 17hats forever! I love them so much, I finally signed up for their lifetime package!
When I first started, I tried to manage everything myself and let’s face it, the busier you get, the more that can slip through the cracks. Do yourself a favor and invest in client management software. I’ve found 17 Hats to be the most cohesive and easy to use. You can use this link for 10% off!
A little help from my friends
There may be times when you need a little help to meet deadlines or just to keep up. I have always loved Photographer’s Edit for editing. Their customer service is top notch and turn around is great. They can cull or edit or both for you. It’s just nice to have them in your back pocket if you need the extra backup. Here is a link for 50% off your first order with Photographer’s Edit:
or use code: ErinS50off

Any while we’re on the subject of culling, the newest technology is Aftershoot AI culling! It’s pretty cool – you run your session or event through the system and it automatically flags the photos with soft focus or not so great shots to make your culling faster than ever! It actually learns what your preferences are as you use it and I’ve been really enjoying it so far! Here’s a code for 10% off and you get a free trial!
For the first time ever… Mentorships!
Lastly, I’ve been asked for years if I am able to take on mentorships and shadowing and I will be offering tiered levels of mentorships in the new year! Give yourself the gift of leveling up your business, but also have someone to bounce ideas off of!
While I work on those packages, I am offering
website critiques for ALL creatives! Not just photographers!
My background in branding and marketing has helped me immensely in my business and I’d love to celebrate my 10th wedding season
For $100, I will go through your website and give you my critique of all visible pages to help you get ready for the 2023 season! Pricing is only this low throughout 2022, so contact me for your spot!
For more educational posts for photographers, check these out!
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