The Community House wedding Jessica + Nick’s Community House wedding in Birmingham was just spectacular. It was just one of those days where everything was so perfect and lovely! Jessica- Kindergarten Teacher Nick- Sales Their wedding in three words Romantic, memorable, emotional –and it was HOT (so so hot) Jessica’s favorite memory of the day: […]
Portland wedding story Leanna + Frankie’s Portland wedding story was nothing short of beautiful. Such a perfect day full of love and happiness. I mean, how can you not smile looking at these two?! I am so grateful to call them my friends! LeAnna, Technical Writer Frankie, People Research Scientist Their wedding in three words […]
spring Ann Arbor love story Alyssa + Zak are engaged! Spring is blooming in Ann Arbor and it’s time to celebrate love again. Here is their spring Ann Arbor love story: Alyssa, Clinical Research Coordinator Zak, Physical Therapist in Medical Sales Met: May 2017 How the met: We met at Bill’s Beer Garden in Ann […]
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