It happens.  The end of the season gets busy and crazy and you kind of feel like you’re turning into a photo robot.  A darn good one, but still a photo robot.  How do you relight that fire and get your groove back?!  Here are a few tips to help you get inspired when you’re feeling a bit burnt out.

  1. Explore | Go on vacation, go somewhere new, do something new.  Heck, EAT something new!  Pay attention to color and lighting.  Look at old photos – notice the poses and color.  Over the winter, I saw La La Land and I’m OBSESSED!!  What really struck me though, besides of course Ryan Gosling was the colors and the way they used light and colors to tell the story.  Same with Moonlight – they really struck a cord with me visually and made me want to run out and shoot!


2.  Shoot for you | Pull your camera out for something other than work.  Go for a photo walk with a friend – who knows, you might even get a new head shot out of the deal!  My first year, I did a 365 project to help with inspiration and to learn to shoot in all kinds of lighting.


3.  Experiment | Still shoot the way you do, but try something new!  Try using different lighting sources or try using some creative tools like a tilt shift or a prism.  Even double exposures could give you a little inspiration and could add a new trick to your bag.


4.  Learn | Go on a workshop or listen to someone speak.  Workshops are always what I need to feel refreshed.  Not only do you learn something from another photographer, but you get to meet really rad people going through the same thing you are!  You can never know too much about photography or the business.


5.  Second Shoot | I LOVE second shooting!  It’s your opportunity to photography along side a friend, in a new environment with a different couple.  Also, you have more time than the lead photographer to photograph creatively and on angles you wouldn’t normally shoot.

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  1. TB says:

    Amen sista. I couldn’t agree with this more and it’s just what I’ve needed to hear over the past few weeks. I feel like I’ve been in a rut for a while. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Caitlynn says:

    Girl! Exactly what I needed to hear! I’m bookmarking this page to keep on returning to it! You rock.

  3. jenny g says:

    Mmmm hmm, yes girl!! Plus comparison is the thief of joy. And I’m so guilty of that, and whenever I stay in my own lane, I feel the best about my work. Thanks for these lovely reminders! XO

  4. Kristine B says:

    I totally relate to all of this! I’m working on photographing my personal life more and workshops always inspire me!

  5. lauren says:

    such good advice and oh-so-true!

  6. Karen says:

    I hear that! All great advice, I need to make sure to do these things in the off season. We all need to unwind…

  7. Bobbi says:

    Love all of these tips!! Well said friend. High fives! :D

Almost there!