If you remember their engagement session, you will remember Deanna + Nick are the ca-uuuuutest!


Deanna + Nick | a colorful Inn at Bay Harbor wedding

Their ceremony was held under a very old oak tree, which was perfect as their unity ceremony was them planting a tree together.  


Jill + Nick | an intimate folk wedding

E Schmidt Photography | folk wedding | Indian springs wedding photos

Jessica + Will’s wedding day was such a lovely one.


Jessica + Will | a fall Planterra Wedding

E Schmidt Photography | Planterra Wedding photos | Metro Detroit Wedding photographer

This is my take on the styled shoot at the Jessica Oh – Oh Yeah workshop from last year.


Colorful Styled Shoot

E Schmidt Photography | Metro Detroit Wedding Photographer | engagement photos

Every year, I either go to a workshop or a convention to further my learning and revive my creativity after a busy season.

Engaged, Wedding

I’m Finally blogging this

E Schmidt Photography | Metro Detroit Wedding Photographer | engagement photos

Almost there!